As the world becomes a more challenging place to navigate in and to keep our moral compasses pointing us towards “True North” (True North being what we might call our conscience guiding us – aiming to please the Lord on this journey called life) while still earning an honest wage, or attending classes where opposing views are the new normal of our peers and perhaps even our instructors, as Catholics we still believe we must uphold the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves. Here is an interesting and informative fact sheet, along with the recent letter from Sr. Mary Margaret Hope and Sr. Virginia Joy ( from the Archdioceses of NY, Respect Life Office). Be informed, as the world out there will still reinforce its notions on this topic to influence you and your children to believe their narrative. Remember Proverbs 14:12: “there is a way that seems right to a person, but in the end it leads to death.” The more we rationalize to justify such choices the further we drift from the heart of God. Read more here
Come Home to St. Mary’s for Christmas
“As I came over the hill, I heard, ‘Fear Not…’ ” (Rob Mathes) And there were shepherds out in the