Being part of the Parish Family offers so much more than celebrating the Mass together. It provides a place to grow spiritually, socially, and personally via your interactions with the other family members.
- Pray
- Serve
- Socialize
Eucharistic Adorations
- Spend time with our Lord
- For times, see the Liturgy Sacraments tab
Secular Franciscans
- Follow Jesus following in the footsteps of St. Francis
- Meets the last Saturday of the month starting with the 8:30 am Mass.
- Come and see!
Stations of the Cross
- Friday evenings during Lent.
Altar Linen Society
- Care for the towels and cloths used in the celebration of the Mass
Altar server-adult
- Serve at Funeral Masses
Altar Server-Youth
- Serve at Sunday Masses and Special Feasts
- Both boys and girls welcome
- From September to June
Music Ministry
- Helps our parish lift its voices in prayer.
- Practices Tuesday evenings- Sept-June
Eucharistic Ministers
- Bring the Lord to the homebound and those in nursing homes.
- Assist at Communion Sunday Mass and Holy Days
Finance Committee
- Gives advice and assistance in financial matters of the parish.
- Serves by reading and leading prayers at Sunday and Holyday Masses.
Parish Council
- Meets and assists the pastor in the workings of the parish
Religious Education
- Volunteers who are both catechists and aides in classes instructing our young people from first to eighth grade.
Respect Life
- Volunteers are welcome and needed – and this is an outreach ministry that can be very rewarding to serve in.
Senior Breakfast
- Volunteers help shop, cook and serve a monthly breakfast for all seniors– offered from Sept-June in St. Mary’s School after the 9 am Mass.
- Greet and assist our parishioners at Sunday Masses
Altar Linen Society
Elizabeth DiGangi
Altar Servers
Patricia Ackerman and Steve DiGangi
CYO Basketball
Eucharistic Adoration
Diana LaSorsa
Eucharistic Ministers
Gene Orsenigo
Finance Committee Chairman
Ted McCourtney
Steve Mangione
Music Ministry
Padre Pio
Fr. Vincent-Spiritual Advisor
Parish Council
Anthony Cusato
Secular Franciscans
Senior Breakfast
Social Activities Committee
Walking With Purpose-(Women's Bible Study Group)
Fr. Mark G. Vaillancourt
CYO Youth Basketball
Senior Breakfast
Social Activities Committee