Priest Formation
We are well into this year’s Cardinal’s Stewardship Campaign – Below is a video that expresses the support that our Mother Church requires in order to prepare more men for the consecrated life.
Evangelism – another vital part of our existence
This video speaks about the importance of Evangelism and the propogation of our faith.
His Eminence Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan
A (brief) special message and update from Cardinal Dolan
In case you missed this moving message with some stirring footage of John Paul II:
Please consider making your gift to the 2024 Cardinal’s Appeal online at When making your gift, please indicate St. Mary of the Assumption, Katonah in the drop-down menu labelled “Direct my Gift to” – My Parish.
Feel free to contact our representative, Megan Callaghan, Assistant Director of the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal, at [email protected], if you have any questions. Thank you!