Our very own Fr. Mark has translated and provided notations to pages referenced in the original Corpus Christianorum for Marian treatises and they are now available in English in Prepols Publishers Catalogue!
This book provides the first English translation of two important Mariological treatises by the noted Carolingian theologian Paschasius Radbertus.
Congratulations to Fr. Mark Vaillancourt on a job well done! He translated these two entire works from Latin to English and they are now in print in a beautiful new book featured in the Brepols Catalogue of theological works. The two treatises by Theologian, St. Paschasius Radbertus, who lived in he 8th and 9th century, encompass the life of the Virgin Mary. The first focuses on her Virgin Birth and her perpetual virginity. The second treatise centers on the end of her life on earth, and how it is most likely that her body and soul were taken up by her Son, which is most fitting, and that no remains of St. Mary would be left on earth. God would not allow the Blessed Handmaiden and Mother of our Lord to vanish or experience corruption of any kind.

We are proud of our pastor, and it is wonderful to see the fruit of his labor of love now in print in this beautiful first edition, for he has given countless hours to carefully interpreting the Latin so these works can be appreciated by present day scholars and theologians. To visit Brepols Publishers online click this link: Brepols online.